The fear of speaking off the cuff or from the heart, the terror of having to say the wrong thing and watch someone's smile fade as they realize you aren't the person they thought you to be
Why do I have such momophobia around her.
The fear of Momo, the asian.
Girl: Hey, wanna go to the mall?
Guy: No way.
Girl: Why not?
Guy: Thats Momo terf
Girl: So?
Guy: I have Momophobia
Guy: No way.
Girl: Why not?
Guy: Thats Momo terf
Girl: So?
Guy: I have Momophobia
The fear of things called/named Momo
Person N: This is my dog Momo
Person T: Momo, more like, Momonster!
Person N: Don't call my dog that :(
Person T: I have Momophobia
Person T: Momo, more like, Momonster!
Person N: Don't call my dog that :(
Person T: I have Momophobia