

俚语 monday quarterbacking

Superbowl Monday Quarterback

A variation of the Monday Morning Quarterback, only its in the Superbowl.
Kurt Warner is a great example of a Superbowl Monday Quarterback. During Superbowl XLIII, He could of let Edgerrin James run the ball in to the end zone and if they failed, they could at least have a Field goal to to tie it up. Instead he throws an interception to James Harrison who returns it for a touchdown. That one play shaped the entire outcome of a Superbowl.

Instead of make history for the Cardinals, Warner made history for the Steelers.

monday morning quarterback

A person who analyzes the mistakes they made they day after they've made them. Derived from complaining over quarterbacks on monday morning after the sunday game.
Frank's complaining about what he should've done on his date last night like a Monday Morning Quarterback.

Monday night quarterbacking

1. The NFL Monday Night Football.
2. Playing quarterback in or watching Monday Night Football.
Monday night quarterbacking is the great American tradition since 1970.

monday morning quarterback

Used to describe monday morning's on the toilet when your poop is only quarter-way out of your butt and doesn't want to come out just yet...thus making it a long process to finish
"why were you late for work today?"
"i had a monday morning quarterback"
"oh i see, carry on"

Monday quarterbacking

1. Just bullshiting off the top of your head
2. Saying whatever comes to your mind
1. Jimmy was pretty much Monday quarterbacking the whole presentation

Monday Morning Quarterback

A person, usually another’s arrogant boss or supervisor with lackadaisical work ethic. This turd will leave early the previous week because he can. On Monday Morning, they are ready to work more than ever, but just for a few hours, they start criticizing what took place after they left early, then start barking orders for the upcoming week. This person is usually a clown and not taken seriously by people who actually work and is not important enough to report others because he is afraid his lackadaisical work ethic will get him in trouble.
Ahh Monday, cant wait to hear what sergeant doosh has to say about the emergency repair we had to take on Friday. I bet he says it was too costly then disappears for the week. He is such a Monday Morning Quarterback




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更新时间:2024/9/20 22:40:34