

俚语 mongelating


Someone who acts autistic around you and isn’t actually autistic
Look at that guy he is mongelating


Derogatory term used as an adjective to describe someone who is retarded.
"He is mongel!"


An adjective to enhance an insult. Usually means a lot of something.

While it has not definite meaning it hints to something much less that good!
Dude your a douche mongeler! (One that mongels douches)

Dude dont trust him, he's a cunt mongeler.


Some shit that's supposed to be the February 2019 word of the month but it doesn't even have a fucking definition
Have you heard of the "word" mongel?


Mongel means retard and no it's not mongrel they're different words
That guy is such a mongel


I don't even know what a mongel is, I just wanted to be the first person to give a definition to it.
Mongel shouldn't be used it a sentence. It means nothing.

cock mongel

this is a kid that seems nomal on the out side but when he stays the night at your house he jacks you off wile you asleep an when you ejaculate he gargles your cum, spits it on your chest then gives you a dirty sanchez an when you wake he says that it was your dog
cody:dude some one blew ther load on me and gave me a dirty sanchez

drew:wasnt me man it must ov been your dog

cody:why is ther jizz on your cheek an you finger smell like ass?


cody:you fucking cock mongel(cody beats drew's ass)




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