

俚语 monkey baby

Monkey Baby

A person who purposely annoys you and is whiney.
This kid Danny is such a monkey baby I hate him so much

monkey baby

An ugly, ugly woman... Seriously... Beastly
Monkey baby in my derrier.

puppy monkey baby

A disturbing image of an animal with the legs of a chubby baby, the body and arms of a hairy monkey, and the head of a pug. Known to lick people's faces to seduce them into drinking energy drinks.
That puppy monkey baby licked my face so hard I drank an entire case of energy drinks.

Puppy monkey baby

A puppy. A monkey. A baby. Made famous during Super Bowl 50.
"Hey, is that a puppy? Or a monkey? Or a baby?"

"I think it's a puppy monkey baby"

puppy monkey baby

Puppy monkey baby is a creature that is one third puppy, one third monkey, and one third baby. Puppy monkey baby first appeared on a Mountain Dew commercial during the 50th Superbowl. While this creature has creeped out, horrified, and generally unsettled a large audience, many find the puppy monkey baby (abbreviated as PMB) very cute, funny, and charming.
Person 1: Did you see that Mountain Dew Commercial?
Person 2: The one with the puppy monkey baby???
Person 1: Yeah! Wasn't it sooo cute?
Person 2: Ew! No!
Person 1: Eh, well, Adina Porter likes it.

My Monkey Baby

implying that the baby you gave birth to is really fucking ugly.

Based on the TLC hit drama series "My Monkey Baby"
My Monkey Baby likes to wear make-up.

My Monkey Baby got super hiii off of my thyroid and estrogen pills.

We were caught speeding after picking up My Monkey Baby.

We had to sneak My Monkey Baby into a cheap motel because we were tired.

I haven't talked to my kids in 5 years because I have been to distracted by My Monkey Baby.

My Monkey Baby is 18 it can go buy cigarettes.

When I'm in a condominium for the Elderly My Monkey Baby will take care of me.

My Monkey Baby Mom's and Dad's aren't that different from other parents.

My Monkey Baby will outlive us so we set up the Will to include her.

puppy monkey baby

A super bowl 50 Mountain Dew commercial that is fun to say but hell to hear.
Hey mom, guess what? Puppy monkey baby!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:15:56