

俚语 monkey barring

monkey barring

verb; to set up another relationship before the present one is over

just as monkeys dont let go of one branch til they have another in sight, some girls/guys dont let go of a relationship until they've found the next
ie .. "that bitch melissa is totally monkey barring her boyfriend with that new guy, what a fucking whore"

monkey bars

xanax pills that are high in potency ranging from 1mg to 2mg in strength.
hey man you got some monkey bars?

monkey bar

(verb) to hold on to one relationship until another is firmly in hand.
Whiny Guy: Lisa cheated on me with James! And now they're going out!
Friend: Wasn't she going out with Adam when you started hooking up with her?
Whiny Guy: Well yeah, but they were on the rocks anyway.
Friend: She always monkey bars her way through boyfriends. You should have seen this coming a mile away, loser.

Monkey bar

Slang term for anyone using easton handle bars on a mountain bike.
here comes world cup superstar Tom 'monkey bar' knight

monkey bars

Street name for 2mg tablets of Xanax (Alprazolam). The name is derived from the three scores down one side of the long, white tablet, making them divisible by four. The scoring resembles the children's playground equipment 'monkey bars'.
Dude: Hey man, got any monkey bars?

Mr Mackey: Drugs are bad mmmkay.

Monkey Bar

"Gin Joint" where less evolved men demonstrate their place in the Primate hierarchy.
Faye: Let's go to that bar Trixie told us about...

Tammy: You know Trixie has terrible taste! That place is a Monkey Bar...all the guys there are jerks!

The Monkey Bar

For the more adventuresome couple who might like to bang outside, the girl holds onto the monkey bars on a childrens playground and the man holds her legs and gives it to her.
Becca and I were at the playground last night, and we totally did the Monkey Bar




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