

俚语 monsignored


a form of address -- and by extension a title/rank(etymology < monsignore, italian <meum signorem , low latin, literally "my lord") -- for certain prelates(higher-levelpriests) of the catholic church, e.g., protonotaries-apostolic, domestic prelates & papal chamberlains; these prelates are honorary members of the Papal Court/Court of Rome of the Sovereign Pontiff, although they may reside outside of Rome. Monsignors wear distinctive cassocks of violet/purple(similar to that of a bishop, albeit not possessing sacramental powers beyond that of priest. Monsignors are analagous to the lower ranking noblemen of a royal court.
After serving many years as vicar-general for the Archdiocese, Fr. O'Donohue was created a Protonotary-Apostolic with the title of "Monsignor."

monsignor carroll

Noun: a pant tugging bore; a so-called man of the cloth who puts the coin before the flock; a teller of seldom funny misogynistic jokes and always amusing foot-in-mouth comments; part of the 1-2 punch committed to destroying the golden A.
Monsignor Carroll: Uhh, uhh, uhmm, hello faculty, in uhh today's meeting, uhh, uhh, hemenway and I will bore and insult you in an effort to make you uhh work harder and sub more for less uhh money. And then we'll pass the hat and ask for donations.

Veteran faculty: Bite me, tuggy.

Monsignor Doyle

Drama filled school, typically filled with sluts that want to have a good time. All guys care only about smokes and getting high and finding a ride home. all they care about is prada bags and desginer everything. dont have the look, then you will have 4 years of misery!
"ohhh shes hot, must be a Monsignor Doyle girl"

"Shes a fucking bitch, for sure a doylie"

monsignor boner

when you are recieving oral sex from a girl, you pull out of her mouth as you are about to orgasm, then, you make a cross on her forehead with your cum, smack her in the face with your dick, then run out of the room and run around pretend bases and slide headfirst into home plate
Dave got a rugburn sliding into home after he monsignor bonered that chick


To park vehicle or piece of equipment in a mannor that blocks other vehicles in, usually right when everybody's trying to get out to work.
Don't get Monsignored.

monsignor doyle

a boring high school consisting of fights mainly during the first week of school and throughout the year, the fights take place at the plaza lol. Everyday at lunch everyone is chilling at the double double or CT shawarma. Some nice teachers some bad ones but the students are worse, rumours spread fast so just keep things on the low to everyone
Matt: yo you coming to the fight at lunch?
John: who’s fighting?

Matt: someone from monsignor doyle




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