

俚语 moonbeamer


A person who believes that Britain leaving the European Union will lead to the country having more immigration and free trade
Sally: "Did you hear Boris Johnson saying he was pro-Brexit AND pro-freedom of movement?"
Jimmy: "Yeah...he's a real moonbeamer"


A really nice girl, who displays a pretty little shy smile when she's happy.

She doesn't talk too much.

You can tell how she feels though, by looking into her beaming eyes and watching for her little moonbeam smile!
Ted: I never noticed that cute girl before, but she's really got a beautiful little smile!

Fred: Yeah, Her smile is like a pretty little ray of light. We call her Moonbeam!


1. A governor from the state of California whose radical views earned him the name Moonbeam back in the '70s and early '80s

2. Replacement for the Governator
Will Governor Moonbeam save California? Stay tuned...


Slang for a woman's genitalia.
Eddie: We were at the beach and this chick flashed he moonbeam at us.


Moonbeam is a very shy girl. Plays by herself but is loving and caring. Moonbeam is a rare name but if you meet one, you'll have to get to know her. She is also very pretty!
Moonbeam is awesome!


Marine corp boot camp term for flash light
Ed did not have his moonbeam with him on watch


What is a Moonbeam? Moonbeams are pretentious left wing women who constantly refer to "What I read in the Times the other day." (meaning the NY Times)....they are anti-religion, make disparaging remarks about people who have religious beliefs and believe the 1960's worldview is still valid in today's world. Their significant "other" is usually the anti-alpha male.....Moonbeams are also anti-military, never mind that the military protects their delusional lifestyle.
Moonbeam dragged her significant other to another peace dedication and told him to shut up and sit down.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:06:26