

俚语 moon coon

moon coon

a nigger on the moon.. therefore coon + moon = Moon Coon...
what do you call niggers on the moon?

a moon coon

moon coon

A Girl with an Enormous Ass
"Wow look at that girls moon coon, its so damn big"!!

Moon Coon

A "white coon" therefore a white person, to be used in the same context as dolph therefore only to be used by white people in a nonoffensive fashion. anyone else will be taken as offence, in the same vein as "nigger" for african-caribeans
A. Hey Moon Coon!
B. Whats goin down moonie?
C (not a moon coon). Whats up moonies
A and B stare. Dude get out

Moon Coon

A new racial slur which is applied to ethnic Indians since their successful completition of a lunar mission.
"Man I'm starving, let's go get a curry off the Moon Coons."

Coon Moon

A Coon Moon is a black mans ass check in the night. A man will coon moon during a drive by to scare the non gay gang.
RANDOM NIGGA: FUCK he is coon mooning.
OTHER RANDOM NIGGA: Don't look unless u on that gay shit.

NIGGA COON MOONING: Ya get the Fuc out before you become a gay ass nigga.




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