

俚语 mopped up

Mopped up

Looking beat up or haggered
Man you ex is looking mopped up these days!

mopping up

The process of completely cleaning up one's plate or bowl with bread after finishing a meal. Commonly associated with a Northern English roast dinner sopping in gravy, typically leaving a soup-like substance comprising of all elements of the roast.

Processes involve breaking parts off to wipe the plate, or immersing a whole slice in the pond of gravy to soak up before finishing it off with a knife a fork. One for the posh kids.
'Ere mum give me that plate - I'll do the mopping up, you have a lie down.

mop up

concentrated LSD. A sheet of acid that is used to soak up spilled L when cutting it from crystal form.
my boy gave me the mop up after he cut that gr of crystal he got from Moonstar.

mop up

To have to rewipe one's ass a few hours after a shit.
Mike: I need to go mop up it's so hot in this warehouse riding this forklift around.

Boss: Make it fast, we don't have all day.

mop up

to redefine the features of someones face by brute physical force from one's fist. Also can be used in place of "beating the shit out of", "demolishing", "kicking ass", etc.
Present tense: I am going to mop up on any naysayers who oppose the crooked design of my concept car.

Past tense: The naysayers were mopped up on when they called out the marginal concept design.

mopping up

The process of completely cleaning up one's plate or bowl with bread after finishing a meal. Commonly associated with a Northern English roast dinner sopping in gravy, typically leaving a soup-like substance comprising of all elements of the roast.

Processes involve breaking parts off to wipe the plate, or immersing a whole slice in the pond of gravy to soak up before finishing it off with a knife a fork. One for the posh kids.
"'Ere mum give me that plate - I'll do the mopping up, you have a lie down."


The act of having sex with a female in doing so you have cleaned up her mess of a life
Did you {mop up? guy: yes i moped up the mess that was stephanie 4 times it was a god awful mess




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:54:47