

俚语 mormanizer


A player amongst LDS church that can easily hold hands with all the LDS and non LDS he chooses. Looked up to by many younger male LDS but despised and ridiculed by non LDS. The Mormanizer rarely progresses to the first base but still hits the ball every time, getting all the way home or in more general terms getting laid is unheard of and has yet to be recorded in history as of this date.
"Wow hes got 2 girls holding his hand"
"Yeah hes a mormanizer"


A religious group that sends 2 people to your door every month until you move out of Utah.
The mormans are here again!


Another word for mormanism, just a little offensive.
i liked you until you converted to Mormanity! This is Insanity!


Alternative spelling for the Mormon religion.
"That guy is such a morman."
"Don't you mean mormon?"
"That's what I said."


Mormon person who is also a man.
"You're such a morman."
"I'm catholic."


a faith followed by book written by a guy that translated out of a hat from golden plates. who wouldnt show anyone else because he was commanded so.. re-wrote the book and it was different to the original copy, IRONIC???
Hi, im a morman, i believe that morman is a swell religion!!! NOT


Tiny civilized religious people who have different ways of believing in God and Jesus because there grumpy little bastards! They can only said the word "morman"
look at those morman's what a load of douche bags!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:46:48