

俚语 morten's


When a Norwegian male by the name of Morten displays his acclimation to American culture by using words such as "wat?", rapping in a Norwegian accent, uses phrases such as "that's what your mom said", and flirts with American girls, even though he finds Norwegian women superior.
Ms. Perfect: I think that's hot.

Morten: That's what your mom said (heavy on the Norwegian accent, throwing a paper airplane at me)

Ms. Perfect: Stop with your Mortenisms.


A male name. It has links to the god of roman mythology; Mars. The name Morten have connections to both "death" and "master of war".

It can also be used when comparing someone to an Emperor, King, Übermenchen, an expert at something, or someone simply of a more advanced intelligence or a higher status. People that are too f***ing skilled can also be compared to "Morten" (in many ways!).
"Look at that guy, he's a friggin' expert!"
"Yeah! He's so good his name must be Morten!"

"Oh my gawd..! Yes! Holy sh**! You're so good. You're just so f***ing good! I'm totally exhausted! We need to do this more often!"
"Hehe, glad to hear that. I guess you could almost call me Morten."


Morten is an amazing guy who will treat you like a princess. He’s hilarious and knows how to make the sun shine on a cloudy day. He’s wise and is the best person to go to for advice. He’s extremely romantic and makes you feel... there’s no words to describe how wonderful he’ll make you feel. He can be sensitive so make sure you treat him right and remind him that he’s the only one and how much you love him. He can be stubborn at times. Mortens will always be honest with you. If you ask for his opinion, he’ll tell you what he thinks despite if it seems harsh. He only does it because he truly cares. You will never have to worry about him cheating on you. He always keeps his promises and will always try his best to make sure you’re happy. If you meet a Morten, never let him go because you’ll never meet anyone like him.
Omg you and your boyfriend are so cute!! I wish I had a boyfriend like him!! What’s his name?

Morten 😍

No wonder he’s so perfect!!


A sex machine
He is so Morten


A Morten/Mortenanker is often used to describe the quintessence of perfection, often displayed in a delicious, soft-haired young boy. A person or an object who can be defined as the closest thing to perfect on Earth. The word "Mortenlicious" is a common expression wich also describes a fantastic thing or a feeling.
Random babe: OMG look at that boy over there!! I could totally do him!

Random babe2: Jeah omgf he is like the most delicious, handsome, good-looking, i-could-totally-do-him ON EARTH! He is SUCH a Morten!

Random gayguy1: OMG over there! Now THAT is why I'm gay!

Random gayguy2: I could so invite him to my cocktail party.

Lesbian1 (looks at this angel-lookalike creature): IM SO STRAIGHT RIGHT NOW.

Lesbian2: Damn that hurts.. A total Morten.


"Morten" is a name that is surprisingly given to male humans, although the personality of Mortens usually represents that of a puppy. Although the name has its root from "Master of War", most Mortens are usually rather a master of cuddles.

Morten likes to follow you around and spread happiness and joy with jokes and smiles. Overall a Morten will seem like a great guy, although very emotionally immature. He will try his best to make anyone happy, but his selfish needs will always be first priority. Mortens are great to hang out with and befriend, but due to their kiss-ass nature, they will make toxic relations and sometimes become toxic.

Morten's behavior is highly dependant on the people they hang around. Morten does not have much willpower and will let others take the lead in most situations. It is also for the best to never ever indulge in dating a Morten. Even though Morten will be kind, loving and appreciative of you, he will be jealous, lying and cheating as well. Accountability is not something Morten will take, but he will at certain times try to mimic it, if it serves a purpose for him.
Girl 1: Omg that guy is so cute!
Girl 2: IKR? Such a Morten! Don't date him though!
Girl 1: Why?
Girl 2: He has a gf and cheated on her yesterday, he would prolly do it again and not tell her...
Girl 1: Yeah okay that's a very Morten thing to do


A guy that is totally awesome, and most likely have a boat, so awesome....
Dayum that guy is surely a Morten, look at that super yacht.




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