

俚语 mother fuck-ass

mother fuck-ass

another form of mother fucker but more applicable to when you fuck something up
John: Dude you totally missed your bus. You are such a dumb-ass.

mother fuck ass

an insult meaning your mother likes intercourse from the rear
ay you bastard mother fuck ass

Mother Ass Fuck

When your mother has enough and puts on a strap-on
Oh god dont give me a mother ass fuck

crazy ass mother fucking bitch stupid ass bitch motherfucking cunt

It means you stupid crazy and ugly
He is a crazy ass mother fucking bitch stupid ass bitch motherfucking cunt

shit ass bitch ass mother ass fuck her in the ass

A angry phrase that once you start saying, you cant stop saying.
Me: *gets angry*
Also me to myself: Shit ass bitch ass mother ass fuck her in the ass

mother fucking ass dick

A mother fucking ass dick is someone who is a man who has an ass and a dick and fucks mothers.
Paul: "Hey Jim look at that father over there".
Jim: " What a mother fucking ass dick".




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更新时间:2024/9/21 2:42:40