Mousefitti: Noun Contanction of Mouse (computer's) + Graffitti. Action and effect of mousefitti a website / any computer supported visual content with a communication piece ( wording, a draw, a decoration) wich will be visible to the page owner but not so for any visitor ( including you) unless using appropiate software. This was developed by/for a person with no social network identity as an effective alternative to interact with the page visited w/out log in or registration. It was NOT intendedto be outrunned, hienaized or similar sanitized named actions, it was intended to be used by /for 'good persons' for good deeds in the www who expects nothing but chivalry from their fellow netizens.
Had no time to log in so I did mousefitti on the selected articles.
Mousefitti-ing can be done on the go, don't need any special tools or software.
Mousefitti-ing can be done on the go, don't need any special tools or software.