

俚语 mowing the lawn

mowing the lawn

When one shaves off all of his or her pubic hairs.
Kaytee: Hey Bria! Guess what? I mowed my lawn today!

Bria: Too much info..

mowing the lawn

a slang term for having sex
she's mowing the lawn tonight!

mowing the lawn

Said when you want to leave to masturbate without saying it outloud or when you and your boy/girl friend want to go have sex.
EX. 1: John: Hey guys I'll see you in an hour I gotta go home and mow the lawn.
EX. 2: Matt: Yo me and Melissa stayed up all night mowing the lawn last night.

mowing the lawn

See: deepthroat.

When a girl takes your cock all the way into her throat, and tries shave your pubic hair with her teeth.
John: I heard heather can deepthroat like Jenna Jameson.

Tom: Yeah, she mowed my lawn last night.

mowing the lawn

The art of tearing off another persons pubic hairs with ones teeth until there is nothing left but teeth marks and a rash.
He was mowing the lawn with her until the mower got got on the hose.

mowing the lawn

masturbating with a vibrator
bad vibrators are as loud as a lawn-mower sometimes

mowing the lawn

Making out with people
shelby: hey have you been mowing the lawn lately?
bettina: actually yes... i just mowed the Jeffasons last night
shelby:which jeffason?
bettina: oh you know all three of them




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