

俚语 mrcool

Mr Cool

Works at Jack in the box, loves to sticker bomb the world, legally blind deaf and dope.
Wow look it’s mr cool.. yeah

Mr. Cool Shoes

a person who is soooo exceptionally "cool" that they deem the title Mr. Cool Shoes. footwear has no actual significance to the title, recognition is based solely on "coolness"
Guy1: "god savannah head is so fucking cool"
Guy2: "fuck yea dude, i wish i was her"
Guy1: "shes like a fucking Mr. Cool shoes or something"
Guy2: "i fucking know right?"

mr cool guy

the act of trying to be cool when you look stupid doing it and/or are not cool by any means.
that max was surely being a mr cool guy this morning.

Mr. Cool Guy

A low key term for my deceased homeboy Gregory Steven Charles Tafoya tha Third AKA Mr. Marvel of PFR (Phunky Foot Rhythm) B-Boy crew out of Albuquerque, New Mexico (Wells Park/Barelas) taken from the movie "Juice" where Q and his little brother are having a conversation about Bishop...
Quite posting your whereabouts in social media letting everyone know where the hell your at Mr. Cool Guy....

mr cool guy

The act of trying to be cool when you are not (Captain Max)
Max Worefel was being a mr cool guy like he always is

Mr. Cool Ice

A word describing a super kick-ass work term student.
Boss: Got that work done yet ??
Student: Of course.
Boss: Thanks Mr. Cool Ice !!

Mr so cool

Mr so cool is just so cool
-You hear of Mr so cool?

-Yeah I hear he's pretty cool




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