

俚语 mr richards

Mr Richards

An extremely obese maths teacher with the world largest fat hairy nippons that uncontrollably produce excessive amounts of full fat milk in order to release stress in the upper section of the man-boob and also this milk would somehow defy gravity and tend to splash against his top lip and create a small ripple for all of the class to look at and laugh. He also has an inhuman addiction to using the term 'top set year 10' constantly which in Chinese translates to 'fat over-weight left bollock that sits in a beat-up chair with several board pens inserted into his arse hole in one go while he also sits there pouring a cold pot-noodle into his fat soggy mangina that further leaks of yogurt juice'. Hes also fat...
Mr Richards:Have all of you fags got your equipment?
Student:No you fucking cuntbag ive lost my ruler.
Mr Richards:What a fucking shame you fat cunt, 'your top set year 10'

Mr. Richard Sugar Daddy

Sometimes called RJ. Mr. Richard Sugar Daddy is just a really tall Pimp with massive shoulders, he has the funds to be a real sugar daddy but he would rather be a durry daddy (giving girls cigarettes in trade for sexual pleasure). He has one girl, or eagle in mind but is called Sugar Daddy by another. He also minds if people hit that yeet. His hobbies include acting gay with a particular friend and playing ode to joy on a not tuned guitar. His favorite word is Creampie and he can't be in a skype call without making weird inhumane noises.
'What are you fucking gay?' - Boii
'Well Rafe's man tits look pretty good but no' -Mr. Richard Sugar Daddy

'OOH I like you, let me serenade you with ode to joy'- Mr. Richard Sugar Daddy

'Sugar Daddy give me that sugar hun' -Sugar Baby

prove mr. richards correct day

this is day where sully has to give ashley a super cool gift to prove mr. richards was correct the whole time
omg today is prove mr. richards correct day! gotta get ashley a gift -sully




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:43:46