A game developer who moves from project to project and doesn’t care about any of his past ones. His most popular game, Avatar: The Last Airbender, is dived into 4 discord factions. “Soul” appointed a user by the name of Glovoc to the rank of Fire Lord, meaning this user is in charge of one of the four factions. As is common with his many other games, Soul provides Glovoc with special treatment all the time, just because they are friends, which means in the entire “Fire Nation” all members receive special treatment, and have access to far more permissions than the other 3 factions. This means that anyone who did not choose the “Fire Nation” faction, receives an overwhelming amount of bullcrap and injustice, and at the same time is stripped of their basic human rights within said Discord servers. Rights such as, the freedom to speak out against leaders in a respectful manner, and the right to fair trial.
Sally: MrSoulSlasher is a very fair game developer
Tommy: laughs
Tommy: laughs