Generally used to describe single mothers in search of fools looking for "true love". And sometimes it's the definition of the DnightBlack mother current moral state...
My mother (PSOL) found a poor class/Brazilian guy and we should move to Mossoró and if everything goes well! And I was right, there will be PLAMITO DAY 2! I will be on my third palmito day.
Dnight mother is a fucking MSOL LMAOOO.
Dnight mother is a fucking MSOL LMAOOO.
Generally used to describe single mothers in search of fools looking for "true love". And sometimes it's the definition of the DnightBlack mother's current moral state...
My mother (MSOL) found a poor class/Brazilian guy and we should move to Mossoró and if everything goes well! And I was right, there will be PLAMITO DAY 2! I will be on my third palmito day.