

俚语 mubu


Stands for Man Up Band Up. It’s a way of telling someone to act like a man and get their money (“bands”)
"be a man and get your bands up, mubu"


William Adams
Stop being a mubus


An all-encompassing noun/adverb/adjective to describe the physical state of every human being when they first wake up: bad breath, crunchy or gooey eye boogers, bed head, puffy eyes, etc. Can also be used to describe a limp and clammy handshake.
I need to take a shower because I feel so mubus this morning.

That guy's handshake was so mubus.


1. (short for mubarka)...
A common name, used also to show affection
2. No real definition for the name because no words can describe the coolness
3. doing sumthing stupid without realizing
1. st00000pid m0000bbb0000
2. that was soooo mubu like
3. "look that girl has a wet butt.. she pulled a mubu"


1.A cool name that means to bring love
2.It also states that it means to bring happiness in other's life
3.the person who looks up for others happiness before their own
4.when loves a person she gives them all
5. If you break the person's trust you are no longer existed ..but in the end she will forgive you if she have loved you
6. She is the beautiful girl you must have ever loved
She has the personality of #mubu

Oh my!she is soooooo pretty ...just like #mubu


MuBu is slang for Music Buddy. Much like the term FuBu, which means Fuck Buddy.
Guy: "Is Kannica your FuBu?"
Matt: "No, no, she is my MuBu. We are going to listen to some Interpol."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:45:29