

俚语 mudice


or; mud ice ! some late winter early spring terrain (usually sloped/angled) having both the slippery characteristics

of BOTH ! , but unable to make up it's mind if it is mid , OR ice ! , and exhibiting the characteristics of BOTH !!
commonly found by an UNLUCKY/unwary human in temp. just above 32° , -stuff is TREACHEROUS !! , out to put a human DOWN !!
jim: what's wrong with your leg ?? aj: i slipped on some f**kng mudice, and sprained my KNEE !

my "party doll" took a tumble on some mudice, in a CAST now !!

gosh darned if she didn't just hurt herself on some mudice !


the practice of becoming muddy
Oh no! I just mudicated myself


listening to music while having sex
“yea me and ashley where messing around did a lil bit of mudic it was fun”




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