The ultimate big black man with a monster 18 inch cock he is a famous jojo character with his popular stand called ZA TEZO it sucks every living creature in his ass and crushes them to death and gives him an orgasm at the same time that’s why he is a serial killer
Wow dad I want to be like muhtada when I grow up,
The ultimate big black man with a monster 18 inch cock he is a famous jojo character with his popular stand called ZA TEZO it sucks every living creature in his ass and crushes them to death and gives him an orgasm at the same time that’s why he is a serial killer
Wow dad I want to be like muhtada when I grow up,
He is a ultimate chad with a super huge 2 inch cock he is a very popular jojo character with a stand named ZA TEZO it sucks people in his asshole killing them and giving him a amazing orgasm, he is a also a sweaty ugly Redditer who commented not my proudest fap on a family car accident
Wow I want to be a muhtada