

俚语 mulot


1. French word for fieldmouse.
2. A guy who's always telling jokes but rarely makes anyone laugh. Nobody cares about half of what he says because he never stops talking.
- If an hotel has an infinite amount of rooms for 1 person each and all of them are occupied, you can still let people in by moving the person in room 1 to room 2, the person in room 2 to room 3 and so on... It will take an infinite amount of time for them to move since there is no last room, but it quickly frees the room 1 for the new visitor. Because that operation can be performed infinitely, there is room for an infinite amount of people in a full infinite hotel.

- Cut the crap, when we get to the last room there will be a person with no room...

- No! Because there is no last room, that's the concept of infinity... But wait, there's more. If a spaceship contains a person and 10 more similar spaceships, placed in an infinite pattern with no first nor last spaceship, then it is impossible to place all these people inside the hotel. That's because each passenger could be assigned any positive number, so there would be a passenger number pi and a passenger number 0.123123123... there is no way to assign a room to all these passengers because we would need to perform an operation to turn infinitely small numbers into integers, which is impossible. Can you see the paradox?

- Shut up mulot...

- Wait, I didn't even talk about the problem about 0.99999 periodic!

- OMG WTH cares!




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