

俚语 mungous


Deriving from the term 'humongous', it symbolises that something is both large and epic.
Wow Terry, your peen is mungous!


Freaking Huge!!!!

Similar words: Gi-Normous, Gigantic, Gi-Jumbo, Gi-Normic
That guy has Gi-Mungous biceps!


Elabaration on the word Humungous. Poo-mungous is used to describe an extremely large excretement of faeces. Usually used to describe faeces that will:
A) Not Flush away
B) Leave Skid marks on the toilet insides.
C) Stink the whole toilet / dwelling / Street out completely.
A)" Andy, I need some sort of excretion-removal device because this poo-mungous shite is not gonna fit through that measly hole in the toilet
B)" Andy, Get me a Cloth because the skid marks left in the toilet by my poo-mungous shit are about an inch thick, the toilet brush isn't gonna get rid of them!!
C)" Andy, Dont go in there for a couple of hours, i just laid a poo-mungous brick and the stench is overwhelming!!!

mega mungous

When “big” or “humongous” aren’t accurate enough words.
“Her forehead is mega mungous.. did you see it?”




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