

俚语 munkus


a slang alternative for a human, or other animal, head containing the brain at the topmost part of the body . Synonymous with dome, melon, skull, noodle, bean, brain bucket, cranium, block, and conk.
Man, that kid sure clunked his munkus.
Wow, that kids has the biggest munkus I've ever seen.
His munkus must be spinning after getting punched that hard.


Just a pile of mess/crap/goo. Think snot mixed with dog poo.
John just fell into a big pile of munkus and got it all over himself


To lose a colon. Or to be attacked by small colon dwelling gnomes.
Ahhhh man, the doctor munkus'd me. I can no longer poo properly. :(


Also monkus (n) Any of four folds of tissue of the female external genitalia.
Chloe begged me for hours to "spank her munkus"

Hunkus Munkus

Small stuffed-toy animal. Allegedly a monkey, though more closely resembles a very hairy baby. Has been known to disappear once owner reaches a certain age/maturity level.
Girl: 'Mum, where is Hunkus Munkus?'
Mother: 'He went to live on a farm.'
Girl: 'Waaaahh.'


A little munk looking boy living in a basement and gets absolutely minus zero vagina, pussy or bitches but lies alone with a throbbing cock
Boy 1: “yo wassup bro did you see Freddie yesterday? He got rejected by Jessica”

Boy2: “iiijjjeeaarrhhhh yallah I saw. Damn what a munkus”




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