

俚语 murn


(n) an extremely attractive yet mentally challenged individual; one who worships rap music and in extreme cases wishes their skin was covered in shit so they could become a nigger; a worthless piece of shit
(adj) mentally retarded; not able to comprehend basic ideas or formulate intelligent thought
(n) That busty bitch is such a jewish murn, I want to murder her and then resurrect her, and then kill her again.
(adj) You think Pearl Jam is GOTH MUSIC?!? You are such a murn!


Male or female sexual secretions. Often confusing as to who's it is.
I arrived at work this morning to find some murne on my trousers.


alpha male
gardener campbell is indeed not the murn as he is a piece of shit

jackson murns

Jackson andrew murns is a great kid he’s gunna do big things
unt unt daddy what doing

jackson murns

Murn Friggin' Tastic

The epitome of all things good and true. Someone (usually a guy) that is so utterly fantastic and so close to perfection, inside and out, that he can be compared to no one else besides the fabulous Ed Murnaghan.

Can mean: wonderful, funny, witty, loving, sweet, kind, caring, crazy, ambitious, creative, moody, forgiving, warm-hearted, sweet, whimsical, and charming.

An Amazing Person that is fun to talk to and gives enjoyable conversation, a great boyfriend and a fun person to hang out with. talk to for hours on end without getting bored. Also very talented at music.

An intelligent man who can be a bit vain, but is generally very attractive. A ladies' man, but with fairly conservative values when it comes to relationships. Very hardworking, and equally stubborn, he won't back down for anything. He's got a great sense of humor, and enjoys making others laugh. Likes dirty jokes. An all-around good guy.

Sometimes He is referred to being "Murn-Tastically-Licious", or "Murn-A-Riffick"
"See that boy, he can be so Murn Friggin' Tastic sometimes!"

"Ooooh...He's such a Murn <3"


Anyone but jack edison reid
Jack is not the murn


Gardener Campbell is and forever will be the murn
“Gardener Campbell is the murn




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更新时间:2024/9/20 3:02:48