

俚语 musket


A musket is a small cardboard tube (one typically found in a pack of RAW cones)with a filter, filled with the weed left over from rolling a cone or joint. Using a "ramrod" the weed is packed down and the tube is trimmed. A Muskets resemble a one hitter but can last for multiple hits.
Some guy with a Confederate flag cowboy hat wanted to smoke weed for the first time so I packed him a musket. Two hits turned him into general Lee.


From your Hand cannon to your conical all muskets are single shot and very slow firing. They require your primer(if using a percusion cap you don't need this)gun powder put down the barrel. Then you ram with a ramming rod your projectille down the barrel
A musket was first made back in the 1300s . They where first just simple metal tubes that had gunpowder, a ball, and a hole to stick a flaming piece of rope down.These where called hand cannons. The ottomans where one of the first groups to use a matchlock musket.
A matchlock musket was shaped about 5 to evn six feet long . It was fired by the trigger being pulled and slaming a lit piece of rope down on a hole that gunpowder was in.
Then came along the wheellock. It was fired by a piece of gyraphite slaming on a wheel inside the musket causing sparks .
The next musket was a flint lock . When you pulled the trigger a piece of flint would slam on to a piece of metal . The sparks created by this would light the powder.
For hundreds of years muskets wher very innaccurate and only had a maxium distance of 100m. Until rifling came into the picture. Rifling is a set of spiraled groves in the barrel. It gives the projectille a spin and makes it more accurate and go longer distances.
This made there effective range skyrocket and in some muskets , the ball would hit where you aimed for 300 yards. During the revolutionary war the British standard weapon was the brownbess which was a rifled musket and some of the colonist had kentucky long-rifles.
Two more major inventions came for muskets during the 1800s . The percussion cap was the main one.
On a percussion cap musket there is a tube called the nipple. You place the percussion cap on ther and fired. This allowed powder to burn much better and due a way with the use of primer and reduced fowling or the barrel getting so dirty it couldn't fire.
After that a french man invented something called the minne' ball or as we know the conical bullet. It was shaped as a cone like a modern bullet.
alot of muskets could have this shoved down there muzzle and still fire or there was a gun called a breach loader which is not a musket could fire them.
The conical made alot of guns have accuracy with the proper sights up to 1000 yards.
I shot the deer with a Flint lock musket.


A man who can only cum once before having to rest to get another 'shot'. Like a musket.
Girl 1: How many times did that guy cum last night?

Girl 2: Just once. He was a fucking musket


Metaphorical weapon of choice for Mormon leaders when defending “traditional marriage” from the gays and liberal elites.
“I would like to hear a little more musket fire from BYU …when defending marriage as the union of a man and a woman.” —Current Mormon Apostle


When you have a long weekend filled with booze and cigarettes and you feel like shit the next day and you want to shoot yourself. Usually you are sweating, have indigestion, diarrhea and mumble your words.
God, that weekend down at the lake was hell on my liver. Ugh, Musket.


When you take a dip and then spit the dip spit into someone elses mouth. It is called a musket because of its close relation to the "shotgun" the shotgun is when you blow smoke of any through your hand or any other hollow object into the other persons mouth and they get all your smoke. The musket you dont use your hand, it is just a transfer of dip spit.
She said she had never tried chew, so i gave her a musket. Next thing I knew, we are married with 7 kids.


Term refering to a person or individual that is attracted to the same sex. Or gay, fag.
Ay bro that guy is a musket so stay away from him.

Why are u such a musket? Why are u so gay?

You fuckin' musket!!
You fucik fag

You have a musket friend?
You have a gay friend?




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