

俚语 mutagen


The green goop that transformed 4 baby turtles that were thrown into the sewer into the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Anyone who grew up in the 80's will have fond memories of watching the terribly animated show.
Oh no! The mutagen fell down the sewer!

Mutagenic Symbiosis

Any Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells that share RNA or DNA to combine via Mutualistic Symbiosis to create a new form.
Mutagenic Symbiosis is like Modern Day Human Cells with Mitochondria inside them. Both the Human Cell and the Mitochondria were once 2 separate Eukaryotic Cells that joined together to form your cells.

Mutagenic Symbiosis

/Mew-ta-jen-nick/ /Sy/

1. Any beneficial life form such as bacteria, viruses, plants, fungi, insects, animals and or humans that co-exists within their host’s body and provides conditional assistance that supports both the symbiotic organism’s and the host’s essential functions, where they can’t live independently from the other. Given enough time this will lead to a mutation within the host’s and symbiotic organism’s DNAs, linking both of them together to create a new organism where both the host’s and symbiotic organism’s offspring are combined as one, otherwise knowns as “Mutagenic Symbiosis”.
Mutagenic Symbiosis
noun and adjective
“Did you know that your Mitochondria (the powerhouse a human cell) are genetically linked to the human body through mutagenic symbiosis because their ancestor can be traced back to an ancient bacteria?”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:30:49