

俚语 muti


When you want to cuss at someone but adults are around so you use the term "muti" which translates to 7mar in arabic
Friend1 :*slaps friend 2 *
friend 2: ya muti


Strange, Not Normal, Weird, or Mutated
Look at Shane's muti broken finger, it bends to the left.


Some SoCal people near the beach use this word and it's just an abbreviation for macho + cutie. A compliment girls often use on skaters
That guy is a mutie.


Mute (noun) is a creature, most often human, who has been mutated by radiation and acuired monster-like properties, such as green skin, huge muscle growth, warts and disfigurations. This is usualy acompanied by lowered intelect, increased resilliance, and an intense hatred of people unnafected (see normies)
Fuckin' muties ain't gonna get in MY bomb shelter.

Them muties have been stealin' my chickens again.


A muti is a person that thinks that they are very smart and they think that they no everything. even though they are usually wrong.When they are wrong they deny it but if someone gets so much proof that everyone knows that they are wrong they will often get sad and start crying. Mutis are kind of like lowlebs
Did you hear the muti got the question wrong and then started crying in the bathroom.S/he is such a know it all. A


A movie, tv show or music video that is best watched on mute (ie. no volume). Often, this is for a video that is generally considered bad, but still contains lots of hot women. What you do when it's on mute, is your business :)
Aeon flux looks like it's going to be a mutie.


A woman's "love portion"
Women, understand that the moment you think of using your muti to keep a man you're no longer a woman




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:08:11