

俚语 my boys

my boy

noun - slang term given to your male best friend.

This is usually the guy that your parents reference you jumping off the bridge with, but really you are such good friends that if he jumps you wouldn't jump with him, you will be at the bottom waiting to catch him.

This is the guy that you don't have to ask to be your best man, he knows he already is the best man.

The one person aside from our creator that knows all of your secrets inside and out.
Person 1: "Are you and Bryant close friends?"

Person 2: "Bryant is my boy. We go way back."

my boy

a close guy friend. or a guy that you really like.
"oh... yeah, i love charles, he's my boy"

"oh... John Kerry... that's my boy"

my boy

A good friend aka homie.
Hey Steve meet my boy Modzy

my boy

my (home)boy
My (home)boy Justin just shot me a text from the 415. That's my boy.

my boy

A term used by an overly obsessive and clingy girlfriend.
devron - stop talking to me i dont want to date you anymore
tracy- PLEASE your my boy my boy my boy my boy forever
devron- stop being a stupid retart

my boy

Code word for men to use when there is an extremely hot chick in the vacinity.
So how about......"my boy"......that game the other night.

My boi

A great friend but you want to sound cool or you don't want to say his name. So you just yell that my boi, it also has become popular and many YouTubers have shirts that have that's my boi printed on it.
Guy 1: "That my boi "

Guy 2: "You already know"

"What that guy's name again," thinks guy 1

"His name is so long Iand hard to pronounce and I am never, trying to say it again," thinks guy 2.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:57:13