

俚语 my ends

my ends

A way of referring to where you are from (neighbourhood, town/city, region etc.)
Down my ends, we its all 'ills.

come down my ends

It means that someone is implying that you should go down their area and see what happens- used commonly by south londoners-slang
Come down my ends ennit bruv

come down my ends you get bear shanked

this is a complex road man phrase only to be use when you are going on level 30 road man

come down my ends means if you come to my area

and you get bear shanked means if you go their they will stab you
hard man levl 24: you wan'na fight bruv

road man levl 30: come down my ends you get bear shanked

end my suffering

what you say when you hear a jacob sartorious song
"hey listen to this"

End my suffering

When you have suffered enough and want it to end
Guy one: hey, did you see how you failed earlier
Guy two: end my suffering

end my misery

A. What you say when you say/do something embarrassing in public.
B. Something you say because you actually want to die and it's a signal for help but everyone think it's a joke
A. Random Guy: waves

Me: waves back and then realises it wasn't for me
Also me: end my misery
B. Me: end my misery
Everyone else: lol
Me: tHaNkS fOr ThE eMoTiOnAl SuPpOrT

end my suffering

When you have suffered enough
Ughh. End my suffering, I have 10 tests this week




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