

俚语 my left nut

my left nut

not the right one
Hey my left nut hurts!
You mean your right one?
No, I mean the left one!

my left nut

literally, someone's left nut
bro, you lookin like my left nut

Suck my left nut

Is a term to tell people to fuck off because who wants only one nut especially the left one
Hey suck my left nut

Suck my left nut

A way to tell someone that they can go fuck themselves.
Some random idiot: Your friends don't like you. Me: Suck my left nut.

Kiss My Left Nut

something that you say when you want to be provocative (especially if you are a chick) or use as a sarcastic comeback or reply. This expression is similar to kiss my ass and suck my balls
Bob: So Tina, did you like that movie?

Tina: yeah, I though tt was pretty good

Bob: Good? Dude, it completely sucked!

Tina: well you know what jerkface? You can kiss my left nut!

suck my left nut

an insult used to spite someone, derived from the fact that the right but is clearly superior
josh: ur annoying

me: we you can SUCK MY LEFT NUT

My left nut is bustin

When your left nut hurts
I was playingthe station and my left nut is bustin




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