A popular web-series created and produced by The FineBros (Benny & Rafi Fine) on youtube. A transmedia series with characters based off of music genres; Indie (played by Adam Busch), Idol (played by Grace Helbig-ItsGrace), Hip Hop/Nerdcore (played by Mychal Thompson), Metal (played by Jarrett Sleeper-Murderbot Productions), Country (played by Lee Newton), Intern 2/Flowchart (played by Jack Douglass-Jacksfilms), Scene (played by Lainey Lipson-LaineyLips), Techno (played by Tania Gunadi), and Dubstep (played by Chris Clowers) who all work at a music publishing company called MyMusic. With side shows; The Mosh (a weekly Q&A show), The Podcast, Tumblr Tuesday (where Scene takes us through her Tumblr feed sent in by the fans), and Gaming with Metal, etc. and a main show that goes up weekly. Is currently off-season so the channel 'MyMusic' has no content going up consistently.
Person 1 - "I'm looking for a new web-series, do you have any suggestions?"
Person 2 - "You should check out MyMusic."
Person 1 - "Where can I watch it?"
Person 2 - "TheFineBros on Youtube."
Person 2 - "You should check out MyMusic."
Person 1 - "Where can I watch it?"
Person 2 - "TheFineBros on Youtube."