

俚语 myskojorph


Myskojorph (not to be confused with the ordinary version, a Jorphomysk) is a mythical creature commonly referred to as Satan. Myskojorph has been known to bring awkward silences and as a direct result of this GAY BABIES into ordinary conversations. The actual purpose of the Myskojorph is unknown, although it is suspected to be part of a long series of godly beings sometimes referred to as THOSE ASSHOLES WHO KEEP RAIDING WESTFALL ON THEIR LEVEL 80's.

No sightings have been confirmed, although some people claim the Myskojorph is British and has a strange obcession with memes.
Dan: I AM GOD, your argument is invalid!
Martin: Hehehehe, stop saying that.

Myskojorph: Everytime there is an awkward silene a gay baby is born

<awkward silence on ventrilo>




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