

俚语 mystalking


In reference to myspace. When one gains knowledge about another's social life via myspace. This is usually done by reading pages and pages of comments and scanning through About Me sections obsessively.
liz: katy broke up with nate and hooked up with sam over the weekend.

kara: when did you talk to katy?

liz: oh i didn't. i just did some serious mystalking.


Someone who follows the lives of their friends, or strangers, via their Myspace pages.
Figuring out that your ex-boyfriend has moved on, by mystalking his relationship status section


the act of stalking someone on myspace, i.e. looking at their pictures every day, checking to see who commented them, obsessivly reading their blog, etc.
girl 1: mike is SO hot
girl 2: i know i totally MyStalk him. did you see that hot picture he just put up?


A person who stalks another via the networking website, Myspace. Usually by reading their comments and looking at their pictures without leaving a comment.
Oh, he is such a mystalker. He mystalked everyone he briefly met at the party.


To spend hours on Myspace stalking your ex and his/her new companion.
I am going to mystalk him and see why he left my sorry ass.


stalking someone through the guise of myspace, whether it be through multiple page views or scouring of comments (and those left BY said person to others), yet without this person having any idea of the lurking.
mystalking is a serious crime.

ever wondered why your page views went up 500 times in an hour? yeahh, i was just mystalking you &heartzzz;


Stalking done via MySpace, "spying" on people by checking their page obsessively for details such as last login time/date, who is commenting, changes to list of friends, pages of those "friends" for evidence of contact with victim.
An overall ridiculous waste of time and substitute for real life activities & relationships.
So have you gone out with Steve again?
No but I've been mystalking him and that skank totally left him comments about them hanging out 2 nights ago, and he's in her top 8, and he blocked me from emailing him...




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