

俚语 mystery tour

Mystery Tour

A drinking binge with several friends noramlly lasting for several hours
"Hawke poured whiskey into two more mugs. Jack Prouduced a fifth of Vodka. Murphy had a half pint of scotch and several small cans of sardines packed in olive oil, as well as a box of crackers. An hour later they were giggling and the mystery tour was well on its way."

mystery tour

A short journey, especially with a group of other people in a bus, to visit places that are kept secret from you until you get there; often, this is done by management of a rock band or a musical establishment -- because it sees only the bottom line in entertainment or --namely the cash value of the group.
"We were taken on a mystery tour to some charity event would rather not mention!" "They don't respect our talents, they see us as only a money cow." "I've had enough of this crap!"

Magical Mystery Tour

The Magical Mystery Tour(MMT) is a movie, albumn, and a actual tour. All from the Beatles. the albumn has classic songs like 'Hello Goodbye', 'Strawberry Fields Forever', 'I Am The Walrus', and 'All You Need Is Love'.
I got a Magical Mystery Tour t-shirt!

magical mystery tour

Taking a trip to an unknown destination by taking some public form of transit, chosen at random, usually a local bus. Some people do this to get to know a new city. Others do it for the fun factor, and potential for a good story later.
For my last holiday, I did a magical mystery tour and ended up in Thunder Bay.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 5:33:58