Some thing that is nasty and grosses you out. Sick and makes you cringe.
Dude put some clothes on thats friggin naddy!!!!!
the word oriented from the word nasty but its 10,000,000x worse
man she done fucked everbody at the school, i bet that pootie is naddy!
one who has a penis of a purple complexion.
Shit, my cock is getting all naddy en shit
a person who listens to bad music because he or she feels it is less produced. This person is one who would commonly refer to netowrks such as MTV as corporate marketing techniques. See tool
Dammit why does Billy listen to such shitty music?
Because he's a naddy you flaming bad of douche
Because he's a naddy you flaming bad of douche
short for the notoriously inexpensive beer - natural light.
i dont have a lot of bread, just get a case of naddie
nolan and maddie
i ship naddie for life
Nasty:Disgusting:Makes you wanna spew:ETC
Damn..that gurl stink like naddy