

俚语 nagal


Nagal also know as Nagas, an acient people. Asiatic Africans.
More info can be found about the nagal or nagas by searching 'Africans in Asia'.


A pain that is difficult to characterize or describe but is generally mild in nature.
Hey Doc, I have a nagalization pain in my chest. Do you think it's an STD?


Reffering to a Nigger.
Whats Up Nagal?!

Madison Nagale

Madison Nagale is a person who will put ur needs and feelings above hers she won’t tell u what’s wrong or how she feels because she doesn’t wanna risk u getting sad, she cuts and she’ll tell u not for attention but she wants to know if u care she will stay loyal but she has been fake and fake in her past she has been through a lot she is a confused dyke but anyway. Anyone would be lucky to have her as a friend
I wish I was still friends with Madison nagale




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