A katana or samurai sword wielded by a ferocious individual named Naka. Naka can easily cut through the Iron Man and Optimus Prime stacked on top of each other whilst wielding the Nakatana. If he is not wielding the Nakatana then punch him in the head for attempting such sacriledge.
Dude 1: Oh hey it's Naka!
Dude 2: Let's beat him up!
Dude 1: Oh k!
Dude 1: OMG! Dude 2! Your head! It's gone!I'm sorry Naka!Please don't smite me with the Nakatana!
Dude 2: Let's beat him up!
Dude 1: Oh k!
Dude 1: OMG! Dude 2! Your head! It's gone!I'm sorry Naka!Please don't smite me with the Nakatana!