

俚语 nancy pelosi's

Nancy Pelosi

Corpse politician turned millionaire inside stock trader
I hate Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi

Member of Congress from California who became America's first female Speaker of the House when the Democrats took control of Congress after the 2006 election, the Republicans regained control of Congress in the 2010 election and John Boehner became the new House Speaker, Pelosi continues to serve in Congress as minority leader
As Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi helped push through many key priorities of the Obama Administration including the controversial healthcare reform plan and economic stimulus.

nancy pelosi

As of January 2007, the first female Speaker of the House. Elected in November 2006 when Democrats took control of the House and Senate. She has led the House Democrats since 2002.

She is a fairly strong liberal, earning a 100% rating from the American Civil Liberties Union, a liberal group, and a score of 3% from the American Conservative Union.

A brief characterization of her political positions:

- Favors implementing the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission
- Voted against the Iraq war
- Opposes drilling in ANWR
- Supports increasing the minimum wage
- Supports increasing Medicare and Medicaid benefits
- Pro-choice
- Opposes amending the constitution to prohibit gay marriage
- Opposes amending the constitution to prohibit flag burning

More details about her can be found on Wikipedia, or her official site, house.gov/pelosi.
This is a neutral definition of Nancy Pelosi. It tells people more actual information than a rant from someone who supports or opposes her.

Nancy Pelosi

A Liberal Representative from California that became Speaker of the House in 2007. When Republicans took control of the house is 2010 she lost the position of Speaker and continues to be the minority leader. She is very progressive and is disliked by American conservatives and applauded by American liberals.
Nancy Pelosi is pro choice.

Nancy Pelosi

A power hungry shriveled up raisin Who thinks she’s a politician but is just a troll.
You are acting like Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi

A terrible woman who loves her chocolate ice cream, she seems normal but you can see the devil in her eyes
Oh look, Nancy Pelosi just hissed at me!

Nancy Pelosi

A true living corpse. A person or thing that has had so much plastic surgery you are forced to wonder if it’s a deep fake or robot. A mummified woman who believes she can outsmart death though facial injections.
Sharon got another facelift and it didn’t work out. She looks like a Nancy Pelosi.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:34:36