Originally inspired in the 2000s by Nandrews Gomes. He incorporated a motion of swinging his arms back and forth, while occasionally adding in a flexing motion.
Since its initial origination into mainstream society, it has developed to much more than a dance. The concept of Nandrews is now an encompassing lifestyle that includes several aspects of daily life, including tones and language, as well as antics. These are referred to as drewspeak and nantics, respectively.
Since its initial origination into mainstream society, it has developed to much more than a dance. The concept of Nandrews is now an encompassing lifestyle that includes several aspects of daily life, including tones and language, as well as antics. These are referred to as drewspeak and nantics, respectively.
Gerrit: "Teach me how to Nandrews"
Nandrews: "Nandrews Nandrews Nandrews"
Nandrews: "Nandrews Nandrews Nandrews"