

俚语 napped


When someone over the age of 18 is “kid”napped. Also: abducted, stolen, ransomized, or taken against ones will.
On her way to work, my wife was napped by some thugs demanding I pay them eleventy billion dollars for her return.

Hello, 9-1-1. I’m an adult male who was just napped by some hooligan g thangs.


To be heavily under the influence of legal party drug Naphyrone. Decribes a state where the user feels particularly high. Naphyrone comes in a powered form and is usually snorted or sometimes ingested by users of the drug. Commonly used in the UK underground party scenes of Manchester and London - Naphyrone use rose in popularity after popular, former legal high Mephedrone was criminalised and the drug is said to have simular effects as MDMA and Mephedrone. To be napped is simular slang to licked exept the term is only used to describe being high on Naphyrone.
1. "i got soo napped last night"

2. "you look a bit high my friend".
"i'm utterly napped dude"

3. "how much naphyrone did you take?!"
" i dunno sir, but i am napped for sure"

Nap Nap

When one takes a well deserved nap.
"Gotta go, I'm sleepy and it's time for a nap nap."


3 hours of sleep or less
Zerostar took a nap from 2pm to 5pm.


A time of relaxation, not necessarily a sleep. Just a time where you can lie down and recuperate.
Im going to watch a film and nap


Napping is when rest is used for the form of entertainment.
Id rather be Napping right now.


To (intentionally) sleep for a short period of time; doze

"A day without a nap is like a cupcake without frosting."
- Terri Guillemets
Oh, if only I'd known what a blessing nap time was back when I was younger!




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