1) The living ego boost we call facebook
2) A facebook addict's terming for facebook
2) A facebook addict's terming for facebook
1) After my birthday, i used narcibook to thank everybody for the birthday wishes hoping to persuade those who hadn't sent me a birthday wish yet would feel guilty enough to wish me happy birthday.
2) After my boyfriend sent me flowers for valentine's day, having my co-workers jealousy just wasn't enough. So i used narcibook to take a picture and then tell the world how wonderful my boyfriend is, make all my friends jealous, and feed my insecure ego. I must promote myself so my narcissism doesn't waver with my insecurities.
2) After my boyfriend sent me flowers for valentine's day, having my co-workers jealousy just wasn't enough. So i used narcibook to take a picture and then tell the world how wonderful my boyfriend is, make all my friends jealous, and feed my insecure ego. I must promote myself so my narcissism doesn't waver with my insecurities.