NasBinAP a.k.a NasBinWeeb a.k.a NasBinGay
Some gay ass term for a 10 year old weeb ahh nigga that ro-bangs on a game called roblox. People with this user name usually associate them selves with lego trans gangs (Hoodtrans/makk balla queens/823 Straight to the cock). He is also known for being the Top leader of the Ro-bangers so watchout.
If you see this username immediately run away or leave the game.
If you see this username immediately run away or leave the game.
NasBinAP a.k.a NasBinWeeb a.k.a NasBinGay: Yo, bruh you making me mad!! OMG!!! bruh stop please, I'M FINNA LOSE MY GUN!!! I'M FINNA KILL AFTER I RESPAWN AND THEN CALL MY GANG MEMBERS SO THEY CAN KILL YOUR FAMILY OMFG OMFG *Breaks PC and router* - *User Lost Connection*
intellectual: Bruh shut up kid.
intellectual: Bruh shut up kid.