

俚语 nastification


The act of having sex
This whole thing is too much 16 candels: can't we just skip it, and go right to the Nastification.

Past-Nastification ... act of having had sex in the past ... mostly used if time travel is involved


To make something nasty. To nastify. The act of being nasty.
In a crued act of nastification, he pissed in Joe's beer and came in Laura's soup.


The process of turning a joint or blunt into a useless nub, surviving only on the merits of its former glory.
As in, "Dude, hit that shit at your own risk. Its gone through some serious nastification."

Past Nastification

(n.) The state or condition of one who has had sex with one's own grandmother in the 1950s, thus resulting in being one's own grandfather in the present/future. This condition may create genetic abnormalities.
Nibblonian: "It's a genetic abnormality which resulted when you went back in time and performed certain actions which made you your own grandfather."
Fry: "I did do the nasty in the pasty!"
Nibbler: "Verily. And that past nastification is what shields you from the brains. You are the last hope of the universe."
Fry: "So, I really am important? How I feel when I'm drunk is correct?"
Nibblonian 1: "Yes. Except the Dave Matthews Band doesn't rock."

past nastification

Sexual intercourse that happend in the past.
Dude 1: Dude, I think your past nastification may have some repercutions.

Dude 2: I did do the nasty in the pasty.


Gross, putrid,beyond cleanliness. the act of performing a dirty deed that even the most hardened and seasoned criminal or otherwise is even shocked.

in summary: nastified
Guy 1:Man after he was caught in the act , he
confessed to <.whisper-
in the gross act in guy1's
the ear..>
Guy 2: Man! he said that?! thats just wrong! He' sick! THAT'S some messed up 'nastification!




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