national beat up day
beat down for 1 minute straight
hey bro it’s national beat up day
National beat Thomas day
You can beat anyone named Thomas’s ass
I just beat Thomas’s ass because today’s national beat Thomas day
National Beat Children Day
The definition of "National Beat Children Day" is, where you can get people like Freya's loud and annoying sister, and beat them to smithereens.
ect. "Hey! Its National Beat Children Day!"
National beat Jordan day
On February 4th beat Jordan’s ass watch out Jordan I pray for you
Omg Becky it’s national beat Jordan day lets kick Jordan’s ass
National beat Ernesto day
On March 21st, throw hands at your local Ernesto from behind. Knock 'em senseless. Pray he has good insurance.
Oh shit Cecile, it's National beat Ernesto day! GET ERNESTO'S ASS!
national beat men day
on april 29 we will beat men
"oh look its april 29,its national beat men day!"
National Beat A Zoophile Day
On December 8th you can beat up any zoophile, and they can't fight back.
National Beat A Zoophile Day
Guy 1: Hey, I'm a zoophile
Guy 2: You have 5 seconds to run.
Guy 1: Hey, I'm a zoophile
Guy 2: You have 5 seconds to run.