

俚语 national pie day

National Pie day

January 23rd is national pie day. So make some pie and enjoy!
Person 1: Hey did you hear it's national pie day?
Person 2: Oh no I didn't but now I gotta go make some pie!

National cutie pie day

A day to celebrate your cutie pie
Hey cutie pie, it’s national cutie pie day

National Pecan Pie Day

When : July 12th

National Pecan Pie Day is a great day to eat pie....Pecan Pie!

If you like nuts, and you like pie, and you like sweets, then today is your day. Sweet and crunchy, Pecan Pie is a regular on the menu of most restaurants. And, for good reason.

Celebrate National Pecan Pie Day by baking and eating pecan pie. Make an extra pie, and give it to a friend. Or, bring a pecan pie to work to share with co-workers. If you don't have time to bake today, go to the store or a restaurant.
National Pecan Pie Day




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更新时间:2024/9/19 23:48:47