No Butt Hole, No Care.
Term used on the site, isanyoneup.com
Term used on the site, isanyoneup.com
She wouldn't give up her n00dz. It's over. #NBHNC
No butthole, no care.
Originating on the site "Is Anyone Up" (Hunter Moore)
Basically, I see your butthole in your n00dz
Originating on the site "Is Anyone Up" (Hunter Moore)
Basically, I see your butthole in your n00dz
It's simple...NBHNC
Put simply NBHNC means "No butt hole No care"
meaning if a girl isn't showing you her butt hole in a picture or video or even in real life, you're not interested in her.
A hash tag made popular by Hunter Moore of the website isanyoneup.com
meaning if a girl isn't showing you her butt hole in a picture or video or even in real life, you're not interested in her.
A hash tag made popular by Hunter Moore of the website isanyoneup.com
Man if she aint showin butt hole I dont really care
A viral hash-tag popular on Twitter and Tumblr standing for "No Butt Hole No Care." This originated with the popular website IsAnyoneUp?, which distributes submitted nudes to the world. People will use this as a hash-tag, some even have had it tattooed on their bodies.
If you've never been on the isanyoneup website, consider yourself lucky, half the gnargoyles on there are not even worth the few hotties. Maybe good for a good laugh and a self esteem boost. That's about all though..
If you've never been on the isanyoneup website, consider yourself lucky, half the gnargoyles on there are not even worth the few hotties. Maybe good for a good laugh and a self esteem boost. That's about all though..
A girl/guy only showing frontal but not spreadin cheeks.. #NBHNC
Means "no butthole no care" it was made popular from the website isanyoneup.
It's also very common to see it used in a hash tag "#NBHNC"
It's also very common to see it used in a hash tag "#NBHNC"
Guy 1 texts "OMG dude did you see her n00dz??"
Guy 2 replys "NBHNC"
Guy 2 replys "NBHNC"
No Butt Hole, No Care