

俚语 ncmi


NCMI - Nussbaum Chocolate Meat Index

In a literal sense, NCMI is the 0-10 numerical measure of an individual’s interest in calorically extravagant culinary delicacies such as chocolate covered meat. The fable has it that there was one a portly man who was ecstatic that a restaurant offered a special titled “chocolate meat”. However, when the dish was served the man rejected it and filed a complaint to the wait staff because the dish, described by the menu as “chocolate meat”, had far too little chocolate on it.

Over the years, NCMI has evolved into a more broadly descriptive scale of one’s lifestyle choices. The NCMI does not solely describe one’s body weight or appearance, but rather also one’s commitment and tendency to exhibit slovenly gluttonous behavior with little interest to conceal it.
S: "What do you think that guy's NCMI is?"
Z: "It's off the charts"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:41:25