

俚语 nebriate


When one has brainstormed or learned as much as their mind will allow and it gets overloaded causing them to act stupid for the rest of the day. Info-nebriation is characterized by an inability to comprehend simple concepts, giggling at inappropriate times and stumbling through a workplace or school.
The boss ended staff meeting early because the whole staff was info-nebriated.


To become intoxicated or high
"Let's hit up the liquor store before the party. They probably won't have enough there for everyone and you know I'm tryna get nebriated tonight"


Skiing while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
Dude, I probably shouldn't have spent 2 hours drinking beers during lunch. I was so ski-nebriated that I could barely make it down the mountain without killing myself.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 18:31:31