Adjective - thinking you are prepared enough to do something after reaching the barest possible minimum needed to be prepared and then dying because of it.
oh, you took the giga out into the wilderness to fight another giga after being told not to. Yeah, you got neeb'd.
Adjective- Thinking that you Are Prepared For an Objective, but In reality severely unprepared for it.
Neebs: I'm going to build One Turret and kill a giga with it, Unknowing how much damage it takes to kill one.
*The Giga Mass Kills All the Dinos*
Simon :We Just Got Neeb'd
*The Giga Mass Kills All the Dinos*
Simon :We Just Got Neeb'd
A commonly used abbreviation for the word "inebriated", which is defined as--stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol).
Everyone was so neeb'd at the party last night.